Friday, March 29, 2013

Tony Romo, Joe Flacco, and What Bills QB?

It is Easter Eve, and all I can say is Holy God. The Dallas Cowboys and Jerry Jones must have the Tony Romo version of "tunnel vision".

I must precurse this conversation by saying that I am am a Bills fan. This, I am sure, will bring hell fire from the Cowboys fans that this reaches (if any at all).

Tony Romo, who was coming up on the end of his contract, was just signed to a 6 year extension worth $108 million. Of this amount, $55 million was garanteed. What? Romo is 32, and this contract

will keep him signed until he is 38. My money is he makes it two seasons of this contract, maybe three.

When I sit here and think about what happened in that negotiation, I wonder if Romo and his agent actually sat there with a straight face when telling Jerry Jones he is better then Joe Flacco, therefore asking for more up front money.

The Baltmore Ravens signed Flacco to a 6 year extension worth a more over total number of $120.6 million, however the number that counts is the $52 million that was paid up front. Yes, you read that right. Tony Romo was promised more money up front then Joe Flacco.

This made me start to think how differently the two franchises handled the contract extensions of their starting quarter backs. The Ravens told Flacco all season, that they would not extend him during the regular season. I am unsure if they were waiting for him to deliver, or fall flat on his face. However, after the Super Bowl victory and MVP performance this past February, Flacco said that Baltimore would pay. And they did.

With Romo, the Cowboys decided to give Romo Mucho bucks before he became a free agent, without proving anything other then he shines in the regular season in individual stat categories. Dallas should have let Romo hit the market, and see what kind of offers he would get. I would bet the farm no team would give him more guaranteed money then the reigning Super Bowl MVP (other then maybe Oakland).

Flacco put up some pretty sick numbers in the post season this year. He had a 55.3 completion percentage, 1,140 yards in 4 games with 11 touchdowns and 0 interceptions. These stats included throwing some pretty passes with perfect placement to his receivers throughout the playoffs. Flacco ran the table, beating the upstart Andrew Luck led Indianapolis Colts in Baltimore, then going on the road to Denver and New England. In the two games leading up to the Super Bowl, Flacco went into Peyton Manning's house, and then Tom Brady's house, and beat them. It is very easy to justify paying this quarterback, at the age of 28, the most lucrative contract in the NFL. He is the hot hand now, and earned that money.

Romo. What have you done for me lately? Cowboys fans should be asking that question. I will not argue, Romo's regular season stats are staggering. He completes 65% of his passes. Romo has thrown nearly double the touchdowns then interceptions (177 TD, 91 INT), and carries a 95.6 QB rating. It is hard to argue these numbers, and not justify giving this guy money to stay. The problem is, he cannot perform in the clutch. He has one career playoff victory in 4 games played. Joe Flacco had 4 wins in 2012 alone, and nine in his career to this point. Romo is not even the best Quarterback in his division.

The NFL East contains Eli Manning, who has two Super Bowl Championships, and corresponding MVP in those games. Washington drafted one of the most dynamic QBs in NFL history with taking Robert Griffin III, granted that Mike Shannahan's poor coaching decision to leave him in when injured doesn't end his career. I think if RGIII is healthy, he could end up being the best quarterback in that division. The Eagles are a mess at QB, so at least Cowboy fans have that.

I think this is a poor decision by Dallas not only in the money, but the length of the contract. Romo cannot, and will not continue to put up 4900 yard passing and 25-30 touchdowns per season. But in their defense, the QB market is thin, and I guess I would rather pay Romo then to try and trade for a Carson Palmer (or sign him as it appears he may be released due to Flynn Acquisition) from Oakland, or sign a free agent like Kevin Kolb or Matt Hasselback.


Speaking of QB problems, how about my Buffalo Bills. I was all in support of parting ways with Ryan Fitzpatrick. The experiment did not pan out, and it was time to move on. However, moving on requires viable options to replace him with. As of now, the Bills have Travaris Jackson, and Aaron Corp under contract at the QB position (Brad Smith is a push).

Jackson has not played a snap of competitive football since January 1, 2012. He sat on the sidelines in sweats all season, as the Fitzpatrick ship went down. I was dumbfounded at the fact that Chan Gailey could not see any reason to put Jackson in, or even dress him. Looking at the depth chart, he is currently the starter for the Buffalo Bill. That, scares me. The reason why this scares me, is the only other QB on the roster is Aaron Corp, and undrafted free agent that spent last season at home after the Bills cut him in the summer.

Recent rumors had the Bills looking at Matt Flynn from Seattle, of which fell through as it seems he is going to Oakland. This means the release of Carson Palmer is inevitable. The last thing I heard everywhere, is that the Bills want to give a look to the recently released Kevin Kolb. Ugh. The market is so thin, that Palmer and Kolb are going to be the best options. At least Palmer can throw down field, and could become the 'Drew Bledsoe' of the 2013 season. I see Kolb as no upgrade over what Fitzpatrick was.

I hope the Bills use the #8 pick in this years draft on a QB. My money is on Matt Barkley. He seems to have healed well from a shoulder injury, and appears ready for the draft. I am not going to fake being a draft expert, as I am not. I just hope that the new Bills brass is not blinded by the Orange glow emitted by Ryan Nassib out of Syracuse. It could, and may happen. I just do not want to see a pick made with our hearts. I want to see it made with our heads.

That's all for now. Tired.

@Alindz99 : twitter

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